
World Mental Health Day 2020

This Saturday 10th October marks World Mental Health Day.  We will be joining in with some focus on how to look after our own mental health.


This weekend, why not try to spend some time as a family focusing on your mental health by doing one of these things:

- spend some quality time together as a family - play a board game or watch a film

- go for a walk and breathe in the fresh air - listen to all the sounds you can hear and look at all of the colours you can see.  Even better if it's raining - you could splash in the puddles!

- have a disco where everyone in your house chooses their favourite music

- do a new form of exercise that you haven't done before

- have a family award ceremony - everyone nominates someone else and talk about why you are all special

....and there are lots of other things you could do.  Perhaps you could share some of your ideas with us???