
Good to be Green

Why not round off your week doing something that you enjoy?

Here at Keresley Grange, if the children have spent the week on a green peg, they get the opportunity to join in our ‘Good To Be Green’ celebration at the end of the week. This takes place on a Friday afternoon. Members of staff run groups which they also enjoy themselves and the children have the chance to change group every half term. The range of groups that we are offer are vast and they are a fantastic incentive because the children don’t want to miss out on their chosen activity.

The Good To Be Green groups enrich children’s experiences as they get to learn a new life skill which might not be taught directly in the classroom. Within this there is the opportunity to talk about future careers which could come of the new skills which they have learnt. For example, learning a new language might open up a door to a job within the travel industry, encourage them to want to visit different countries or make them more understanding and more aware of different cultures. Gardening might encourage children to go home and start a new hobby that can be therapeutic but also show them a different way of getting their food rather than just visiting the super market.

All of the children have commented on how much they enjoy them time on a Friday and it gives members of staff the opportunity to get to know children from all over the school not just their class or phase.