
Home Learning

Homework will be set weekly on Spelling shed and TTRockstars. Children are also expected to read daily and quiz a minimum of once a week on Accelerated Reader. 

In the event of a class bubble closure or if your child/children are self-isolating, the following platforms will be used to support their home learning:

Class email- This will be used for parents/carers to communicate with your child's class teacher. The class teacher will respond to questions and send information about home learning tasks. 

Microsoft TEAMS- This will be used for the class teacher to set work for the class and once work is completed it can then be uploaded for review by the class teacher. 

Video tutorials for Writing- The class teacher will send a video with modelling and instructions for the weekly writing tasks along with any worksheets that are needed to complete the tasks. 

White Rose Maths

Spelling Shed

TT Rockstars

Accelerated Reader

Oak Academy